Senin, 19 April 2010

Blood Donor and Free Treatment Plaza JB & Lions Club

In order to celebrate Plaza JB’s 7th anniversary, PT. Jababeka Tbk held Blood Donor and Free Treatment Plaza JB & Lions Club on Monday, April 12 2010 at Plaza JB, Kota Jababeka. The event was organized by Plaza JB, Lions Club Jakarta, PMI Bekasi, LPPMC, RS Annisa, Radio Gaya FM, radio Gema Annisa, National News, PT. Alat Bantu Dengar Indonesia (PT. ABI), Restoran Solaria, Ten Plus Resto, Carrefour Express, Pojok Busana Dept. Store, Optik A. Kasoem, Mega Capitol Indonesia, and others.
This event is a Social Care Action from PT. Jababeka Tbk. towards people in Kota Jababeka and its surroundings. Approximately 200 participants gave a blood donation and free treatment was given to 300 people.
Plaza JB was founded in 2003 by PT. Jababeka Tbk. It is a shopping center; one of the many facilities in Kota Jababeka. Plaza JB is currently home to Carrefour Express, Scholastic Book Centre, Corner Clothing Department Store, Pharmacy Plus, Optical A. Kasoem, Solaria Restaurant, a Food Court, a Children Playground and a Futsal field.

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